Larry Goddard
Test Automation Architect
Highlight of the year

Meeting and rescuing an MVP for Chari ltd. from having access to the raw code to getting it working in a timely manner saving the client time and money after the previous contractor just left them in the lurch.

Larry Goddard
on YunoJuno
Member since

Larry is a multi award nominated Test automation Architect, he is a Speaker at Tech Conferences and Meet-ups dealing with and highlighting Test Automation, Quality Assurance, and AI in Test Automation. The creator of ‘klassi-js’ an open-source Test Automation Framework - hosted on both NPM and GitHub. He also provides guidance as a Mentor for the Aleto Foundation, Black Girls in Tech and the Founders Institute.

Previously hired by
Hogarth Worldwide
Chari ltd
ACE Entrepreneur
on YunoJuno